Department Of Secondary Education, Government Of Haryana

Very little (only about 12%) of the total national allocation to education goes to higher education with about 88% being spent on lower level education. Lower education institutions such as primary schools suffer under such conditions as the lower income classes are unable to enjoy subsidies and quality education. Literacy, which is central to elementary education everywhere, is frustrated not only when a small percentage of the people go to school but also when relatively few of those who do attend advance beyond the first or second grade. In some developing countries, for example, only one or two children out of five who go to school remain there until the fifth grade. A concentration of enrollment in the first grade or two is characteristic of underdeveloped school systems, partly because of the dropout problem and partly because many of those who stay on fail to meet requirements for promotion to the next grade.

Teacher Education

As a leader in higher education, the 23-campus California State University is committed to ensuring academic opportunities are available to all the state's students, regardless of citizenship status. The Sindh Education Foundation , was established under the Sindh Education Foundation Act, 1992 as a semi-autonomous organization with a mandate to support education in the province through multifarious interventions. The establishment of a new administrative set up in South Punjab is being interpreted as the first big step towards the creation of a separate province. Additional Chief Secretary and an Additional Inspector General of Police to head the civil and police set up in the South Punjab.

CMS was founded in 1846 by Henry W Preedy and is also successfully operational today in the known area of Ranchor Line in Karachi. Having stood for centuries, the school still holds its unique architectural beauty. A glance at its pale buildings, regal corridors and spacious playgrounds give a glimpse of the past that its present connects with. The school is agreeably a valuable heritage, a placewhere the Father of the Nation studied from.

Technical And Vocational Education

Bilal was the only participant from a government school, while all other participants were from the private schools. “We were given three themes by the organizers — ‘The creation of Pakistan’, ‘The evolution in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ and ‘Pakistan’s resources’. “I was under the impression that the participants from the private schools would out-class me in the final round but it turned out a good fight.” He added. This chart shows what share of girls among all enrolled secondary education students.

Primary Education And Growth

About a talk given by Dr. Nomanul Haq at the Lahore University of Management Sciences , Pakistan. Muhammad Irfan-Maqsood is a Pakistani researcher and entrepreneur well known in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey for his work in PakistanInfo, KarafarinShow, Genes&Cells and iMaQPress. He is known for his work in the field of Techno-entrepreneurship and Biotechnology.

Support Section Of Education Department

He said that the restructuring has been designed on the framework of improved school environment, academic capacity building and modernization of knowledge delivery systems. However, looking beyond binary genders, there is the case of transgender individuals in Pakistan. According to the Australian Journal of Asian Law, in 2018, Pakistan defined what they consider to be "transgender". According to the Pakistani parliament, a transgender individual is a person who is; intersex, eunuch assigned male when born, or a transgender man/woman whose gender differs from what they were assigned as at birth. This act has many provisions to it that ensure the basic fundamental human rights for transgender individuals.

Education is one of the most important contribution a country can offer its citizens in the hopes of inequality and poverty. In any society education plays such a basic role and without education we cannot imagine a life. This study found that there are many differences in culture in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan as well as resources within the country are also very different. The data reveals that the literacy rate of Indonesia is 90%, Malaysia is 89% and Pakistan is 54.9%, which is significantly lower in compared to the other two countries. In comparison to these other two countries, Pakistan has the more poverty and inequality within its country. It only makes sense that it has the lowest literacy rate because of this.

Gaps in service provision at all education levels is a major constraint to education access. Socio-cultural demand-side barriers combined with economic factors and supply-related issues , together hamper access and retention of certain marginalized groups, in particular adolescent girls. Putting in place a credible data system and monitoring measures to track retention and prevent drop-out of out-of-school children is still a challenge. At the post-secondary level, there has been much research conducted about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats when practicing distance learning. They found that this model is great for those that don't live within the same city as where they go to school. It gives them an opportunity to get an education without having to leave their homes.
